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Fall 2024 CBIE Cohort Application

In order to be eligible to participate in the CBIE Startup Cohort, please provide the following information on this application. Please complete these questions to the best of your ability. This information will be used to better gauge your knowledge level, needs of the group, and create a custom learning experience for the program. Keep in mind that if you are at the very beginning of starting your CBIE, you may not have answers to all of these questions. That is absolutely OK. Just answer N/A for answers that do not apply.  

Where are you in the CBIE process?
Do you have officers for your CBIE?
Officers' Contact Information

Please list the names, email addresses and contact numbers of the officers (or intended officers) in your club. (Put NA if you do not have someone in that position.)

General Club Information

Please answer the following questions about your investment club.

Do you have a signed partnership agreement?
What type of partnership organization do you have?
How are you collecting (or intend to collect) your monthly dues? (Check All That Apply)
Are you (or will you be) using a separate bank/credit union account to receive contributions and fees?
Have you set up a brokerage account?
Is your club/CBIE already a member of BetterInvesting?
Demographic Questions
​The following demographic questions are optional but helpful to CLIMB™ for funding and research purposes:
Participant’s Race/Ethnicity (Mark all that apply):
What is your level of Investment knowledge?
Have you previously participated in a CLIMB program? (Check all that apply)
Disclosures and Authorizations

"CLIMB USA does not provide investment, tax, legal, or other advice.  The information provided by CLIMB USA in this and all of its presentations are for educational purposes only.   All persons are encouraged to learn investment analysis basics, conduct their own research, and  or consult with a licensed investment advisor before making investment decisions.”

Thank you! Your application has been received.

The CBIE Cohort Application is now closed. Please visit to add your name to the waiting list for the next Cohort.

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